In spite of that „Things“ is the debut disc by the group Someband, it had managed to create a lot of excitation even before its release. In fact, already a few years ago. Now it is quite obvious that the prognoses have been confirmed – the guys create drive, quality rock with its own expressive face. This music acquires its special aftertaste, probably, due to the juicy guitar passages – sometimes harsh, sometimes almost fragile, lyric, they keep tension not letting emotions cool down. But it is pleasant to note that the strong music line is not an end in itself – it accompanies the texts, which are a good power source as well. In the end, our life constantly raises some themes for reflections, but far not everyone agrees to meditate on the disturbing topic. Someband is both ready and able to reflect – the content of the songs testifies to this. Virtually each song proves that the guys are not going to stay aside. Modern life, with all of its joys and troubles, with all justices and injustices – is a sort of a battlefield, and Someband does not try to avoid it. However, there is no aggression as such – rather just the desire to look straight in eyes, not hiding one’s glance.